Community Building

 Community building evolved organically, Bay Area BIPOC Aspiring Midwives began to share contact information and desires for shared space. From community space personal relationships have taken a form of their own. In a state where birthwork is mainly white spaces, it is essential to create BIPOC spaces too.


An opportunity for aspiring midwives to connect with each other and the greater BIPOC Midwifery community.

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Development of meaningful and supportive relationships so that no BIPOC aspiring midwife or student feels like an only while pursuing a midwifery education

10/2020: Virtual meeting during COVID19- first Saturday of the month with current BIPOC Midwifery students R->L: Martiza Franqui, Asmara Gebre (host), Briana Wilborn, Arielle Bell)

10/2020: Virtual meeting during COVID19-

first Saturday of the month with current BIPOC Midwifery students R->L: Martiza Franqui, Asmara Gebre (host), Briana Wilborn, Arielle Bell)

A facilitated space for BIPOC Aspiring Midwives to share experiences, wisdom, questions, & resources


Resources shared by BIPOC Aspiring Midwives during monthly meetings

Annual Social Mixer w/ BIPOC Midwives


“As many of us have been forced out of birth worker roles due to the pandemic, this group serves as a safe space where BIPOC Aspiring Midwives can receive support for personal career goals through sharing resources. The program has had two BIPOC midwives as guest speakers at the meetings. The guest speakers have provided invaluable insight into their own personal career journeys and the challenges and complexities that come with serving as a midwife of color.”

— K.L., Aspiring Midwives 2020


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CNMA Lobby Day

Midwifery also includes the duty of advocating for human rights on the state and national level.  Lobby Day provides a great opportunity to see midwives in action as advocates for midwifery and necessary changes in access to care.
This experience was made possible by the coordinating efforts of CA midwife Liz Donnelley

CNMA Lobby Day 2019: Arielle Bell & Maya Combs

CNMA Lobby Day 2019: Arielle Bell & Maya Combs


This event was very meaningful, and one I would probably never forget. This allowed me to see the political side of being a midwife. Midwives advocate for women’s health and reproductive justice, and it was great to see all the midwives taking time out of their day to fight for a cause that will benefit so many people, it was inspiring. Also all midwives were respectful and also provided opportunities to shadow them as well.

— F.B., Aspiring Midwives 2019

Follow our journey.