Shadowing Sites

In 2018 BIPOC Aspiring Midwives shadowing started at San Francisco General Hospital. Aspiring Midwives have expressed interest in shadowing different sites and midwife professionals.

BIPOC Aspiring Midwives is interested in creating partnerships where BIPOC midwifery care is happening.

During the 2021 pilot year one of the BIPOC Aspiring Midwives goals is to expand shadowing opportunities in the Bay Area to at least:

  • 1 additional hospital site

  • 3 out of hospital sites (stipend available for shadowing in out of hospital setting)

Would you or your site like to have a BIPOC aspiring Midwife shadow a BIPOC midwife in action? Let’s connect!

“All in all, this experience taught me to never lose sight of who I am and what I believe in, to always have fun in the work that I am doing, and to always think of each patient as a person with dignity and compassion, regardless if there are conflicting beliefs/ideals or personalities present; no matter what, being present will always prevail and promotes the provision of the highest quality of care.”

— M.F., Aspiring Midwife 2019